Day 21 – (05/23) Savannah, GA

Weather – The temperature reached 99 degrees in Savannah today.  It was sunny with a light breeze.  It’s really hot and humid.

We left Florida after wandering the state for twelve days.  The journey has been memorable: it’s been hot and humid; we had a severe thunderstorm on one day and no rain the other days; swarms of love bugs smacked us on most days; we saw wilderness, beautiful ocean views, history, huge mansions, peaceful coastal drives, and more palm tree than anywhere else.

Our 198 mile trip to Savannah was uneventful.  It hugged the Atlantic shore much of the way.  The route: east on FL 16 to San Marco Ave, right on San Marco Ave, left on FL A1A North, north on FL A1A past Jacksonville to I-95 at Italia, north on I-95 into Georgia, continue on I-95 to US 17 at exit 29, north on US 17 and return to I-95 at exit 38, then continue north on I-95 to exit 94.  Our GPS took us the last few miles to the Red Gate RV campground.

FL A1A (the Coastal Highway) continued to offer beautiful views of the ocean and mansions secluded by palms.  Ponte Vedra was most impressive.
The Coastal Highway (FL A1A)
Bridge over Nassau Sound
Late in the day we drove to downtown Savannah.  It was too late for tours, museums and exhibits.  We walked the streets.  The old town street layout of 22 “squares” was confusing.  We weren't able to get a feel for history of the city.  Most of the action was in the Franklin and Ellis Squares where City Market resides.
Ellis Square - W. Congress
5 and 10 on W. Broughton
Haitian War Monument
City Market on W. Congress
City Market on W. Congress
(from Ellis Square) 
Good news
It was cool enough in St. Augustine last night that we could sleep without the A/C.
No love bugs today!
We got gas at $3.599 per gal.

Not so good news
We took a chance on a new campground – Red Gate RV.  It’s new and sounded great in the campground guide.  We arrived late and found a facility with great promise.  Unfortunately, it’s poorly managed and quite unfinished.  To top it off, local electric power was so overloaded by cooling demands that we only received 108V … barely enough to run our A/C.

We switched propane tanks today ...  the first tank lasted 21 days.
We’ve driven 3,578 miles and towed 2,730 miles so far.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you keep this blog. I like keeping in touch with your whereabouts and escapades.

    No good news on the house yet. It is looking questionable as to whether any bank will loan on the property - because they can't find comparables. The mortgage broker is working diligently away at it. We're trying not to stress out.

    J is away on a 3 day school trip - Native American Potlatch with Waldorf 4th graders from around the state. A is getting parent alone time which she LOVES.

    I head off tomorrow for 2 night retreat of my own (arrangements made after 9 days of single parenting when T went to NH in early May). I'm looking forward to a trip to the hot tubs in Carson and time for writing.

    Much love to you both!
